GEOCRACIA Territorial Irregularities Report

The fastest real estate X-ray solution.

Solution developed for offices and consultancies with a focus on:

Use cases

Environmental regularization

Geocracia's Technical Note accelerated important due diligence for the acquisition of land for the food industry by quickly identifying vulnerabilities to environmental legislation, irregularities in registrations with the Rural Environmental Registry and the inclusion of the area in mineral research, anticipating strategies for possible environmental and land litigation.

Partner SPLAW-Spiewak| Carneiro Advogados
FIESP's environmental legal director

Land regularization

Geocracy boosts our office's efficiency by effectively applying the best geotechnology practices to quickly identify various risks associated with properties, such as irregularities in the Rural Environmental Registry (CAR), lack of descriptions and environmental issues, such as the absence of permanent preservation areas. In addition, it excels at identifying archaeological sites, quilombolas and indigenous lands, providing security in customer service.

Partner Rennó, Salla, Faustino,
Carvalho e Moraes Advogados

How does our service work?

Client requests area analysis (by polygon, license plate or kml file) to carry out Express Due Diligence;

Geocracy analyzes more than 300 federal geoinformation layers with its own SAAS Platform;

Geocracy reviews and creates diagnoses with a specialized technical team, guaranteeing legal certainty for decision-making; and

The client receives a detailed and signed Technical Note with risk analysis and mitigation proposals.

We produce detailed analyses using geo-legal methodology, in environmental, land and mining layers, as well as evaluating infrastructure and political aspects.

Environmental layer data

Environmental interference IDE QTY
Diagnosis of urban supply - by municipality ANA 1
Watercourses ANA 3
Water mass ANA 3
Drainage Section (Continuous Base 1:250.000) IBGE 12

Data relating to the infrastructure layer

Infrastructure interference IDE QTY
Airports - high ICA 1
Restricted Area ICA 1
Block areas for mining ANM 1
Active Mining Processes ANM 2
Inactive Mining Processes ANM 4
Transmission Lines (Existing Base) EPE 2

Data relating to the land layer

Land Interference IDE QTY
Census Sectors IBGE 5
CAR Properties MMA 23
Street Faces IBGE 11

Air Force Restricted Area

Type Danger Name
SBBS Activated under COOR of APP Academia. ACFT MIL training. SBR 476 GEMEOS ALTA
SBBS Activated under COOR of APP Academia. ACFT MIL training. SBR 482 VERTICAL ECHO
SBBS Activated under COOR of APP Academia. ACFT MIL training. SBR 478 ECHO GALAXY
SBBS Activated under COOR of APP Academia. ACFT MIL training. SBR 479 CENTRAL ALTA
SBBS Activated under COOR of APP Academia. ACFT MIL training. SBR 481 VERTICAL WHISKEY

Who we are

Lawyer and geographer. He has a post-doctorate in Law (UFMG), a doctorate in Geography (UnB), a doctorate in Law (Coimbra) and has been the legal and regulatory manager of important companies, public entities and associations in the energy, airport and highway sectors.

Former president of the OAB/SP Special Commission on Geo-Law for two terms, the first in Latin America. Author of the book Direito Administrativo Geográfico, prefaced by Eros Grau, former Minister of the Supreme Court.

Pioneering lawyer in Ibero-American studies involving Law and Geography in environmental issues. PhD student in Law (Coimbra) and Master in Economic and Social Law (PUC/PR). She has been the legal and regulatory manager of important companies, public entities and associations in the energy and regional development sectors.

He has given lectures and written articles on legal issues, especially energy, environmental, urban planning, infrastructure, regional development and land law.

Geographer and journalist who is a reference in the application of geotechnologies in various economic sectors. Extensive experience in Agrotechs and regulated sectors. Doctor and Master in Urban Engineering (UFSCar) with over 20 years' experience in Geographic Intelligence applied to business processes in Digital Agriculture and Smart Cities.

Professor and lecturer, he promotes Territorial Digital Transformation for Courts of Account and the judiciary in Brazil, Latin America, Europe and Africa.

Get to know some of the projects in which Geocracy has participated

Planning more than 1,500 km of distribution lines in the Amazon for the electricity sector

Geography of the vote in 2022, in partnership with Estadão, we mapped more than
5 billion votes.

Mention in Portuguese Supreme Administrative Court ruling to resolve territorial dispute.



Excerpt from the preface of Luiz Ugeda's book "Geographical Administrative Law".

"I learned in them, from them, that the complicity - authentic collusion - between Geography and Law instruments and enriches the understanding of physical and social reality. What's more, the images constructed by Luiz Ugeda to illustrate his reasoning are stupendous, both academically and literarily. I really learned a lot from the conception of the Mapa - Norma system."

Professor Eros Roberto Grau,
Former Minister of the Supreme Court

Excerpt from the preface of Luiz Ugeda's book "Geodireito - Mitos e Fatos" (Geodirectory - Myths and Facts)

"The collective work that I have in my hands, organized by the Special Commission on Geo-Law of the Brazilian Bar Association, São Paulo Section (OABSP), by president Luiz Ugada and by He Nem Kim Seo, clearly demonstrates, in a didactic way, the multiple sectorial agents that involve renowned authors and young professionals, from public bodies and private initiative, civil and military, academia and the market, national and international"

Flávio Augusto Viana Rocha,
former Minister of the Special Secretariat for Strategic Affairs of the Presidency of the Republic

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